Digital Forensic Services

Enetsec identifies, collects, and preserves digital evidence for analysis. We assist law enforcement and legal professionals in recovering evidence.

Our areas of expertise include:

Audio & video forensics

  • Audio, video authentication
  • Image analysis
  • Video enhancement
  • Voice identification

Automotive forensics

  • Cell phone usage or texting

  • Vehicle navigation info

Remote Services

We capture evidence over a secure remote connection. A computer forensic examiner connects to the client’s computer and performs the forensic examination anywhere in the world.

E-mail and social media forensics

Cell phone forensics

  • Call logs

  • Chat history, contact lists, text messages, photo, and video recovery

  • Deleted and hidden data

  • Email servers

  • Geolocation history

  • Social networking service activity

  • Spyware detection

  • Web browsing history

Computer forensics

  • Back-up Storage Media

  • Databases

  • Email Servers

  • Hard Drives

  • Internet

  • Web Servers