COVID-19 urge digital transformations
Like 9/11 2001, the world today will not be the same anymore. A virus showed us that it does not need to be extremely lethal or
Like 9/11 2001, the world today will not be the same anymore. A virus showed us that it does not need to be extremely lethal or
There is no doubt that the internet helped a lot of us feel empowered. You can send emails to the president of a big company
During my 18 years combating cybercrime, I have never seen so many people fall victim to romantic scams as I’ve seen in the past year.
The market frequently launches new ways to earn money. And right now, we are in the era of cryptocurrency. A very interesting subject, but very enigmatic.
Enetsec was founded in 1999 by the physicist Wanderson Castilho
who envisioned a straightforward and cost-effective way to conduct
business involving solutions for digital incidents.
In the 2000s, Enetsec became known for proving that a Brazil state
lottery game was fraudulent and used marked balls to anticipate victory.
The company was a pioneer in using lie-detection by reading micro
facial expressions as a tool to solve all kinds of crimes llike homicide,
kidnapping, information leakage, intellectual property theft, employee
whistleblower cases, among others.
In 2017, Enetsec solved a revenge porn case that reached national
repercussions. The aggressor was identified, taken to the court,
and found guilty. The case made the House of Representatives in
Brazil approved Bill 18/17* (Law Rose Leonel) to typify the exposure
of woman’s images, data, videos, audio files, collages, and photo
compilations without express consent.
In 2019, the company expanded to the US, with corporate offices
in Parkland – FL and is officially represented in São Paulo – SP and
Curitiba – PR, Brazil.
For over 20 years, Enetsec has helped clients make confident
risk management decisions through a wide range of digital private
investigation for corporations, business intelligence, cyber security
consulting services, digital forensic services, computer forensic expert witness service and due diligence. Enetsec has conducted international jobs in the US, Africa, Asia, Canada and South America.
CEO of Enetsec, expert in cyber crimes, computer and digital forensics. Columnist at Boca Raton Tribune.
Representative member from South America and Central America on the Michigan Collegiate Cyber Defense Network, Industry, and Academic Advisory Board, at the University of Michigan, USA, which holds competitions in network security with the objective of guaranteeing competitiveness among learning institutions that train professionals in Information Technology.
Consulting member of the Electronic Rights Commission and High Technology Crimes of OAB SP. Professor of a course on officer training for the Civil Police from the state of Paraná – Brazil, at the Magistrate Federal School of Paraná (ESMAFE), in the module Cybercrimes, in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Professor at the Superior School of Police in the state of Paraná in a course for the formation of officers, in the module Cybercrimes, in 2016.
Author of the following books:
100 Critical Facts about the World’s Cybercrime (2019)
English and Portuguese Edition
Do you Know What your Children do on the Internet? (2014)
Portuguese Edition
Deception a Multifaced Issue: a guide to lie detection agains cybercrime (2011)
English and Portuguese Edition
The Digital Detective’s Handbook (2009)
Portuguese Edition
English and Portuguese Edition – 2019
The book takes stock of the main crimes committed over the internet between 1989 and 2018, showing techniques and mechanisms used by virtual criminals. Among some of the crimes described are hacking attacks, disclosure of fake news, stealing of sensitive data and information, and the stealing and sabotage of services.
Do you know what you
children do on the internet?
Portuguese Edition – 2014
If the Internet facilitates more and more our life, another side is an increasing source of concern for those who have children. Our young people are exposed to new dangers that arise daily. In addition to the dialogue with children and adolescents, to explain to them the limits and respect in this area, we must be aware and informed.
English and Portuguese Edition – 2011
Castilho counts as applying detection technique lies in his work as an expert in cyber security. Using
his cases, the narrative has the suspense of a good detective story. The book also contains information about the emotions and the technique of lie detection from facial microexpressions.
The Virtual Detective Manual
Portuguese Edition- 2009
The more the Internet spreads, more people’s privacy decreases. The book shows some of thCastilho’s cases uncovered, and also gives to the reader tips to avoid problems in the internet world. This book was adopted in 2012 by Colégio Objetivo, São Paulo, Brazil, as complementary to the High School first-grade reading.